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  • Clean agent fire suppression system Hygood

Clean agent fire suppression system Hygood

Update Terakhir
09 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
132 kali



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Detail Clean Agent Fire Suppression System Hygood

Hygood FM-200 Gas Fire Protection Hygood FM-200 is internationally accepted as providing an ideal fire protection solution for people, property and the environment. Electrically non-conductive, it occupies minimal storage space. It' s primary action is through cooling the fire and removing heat energy so that the combustion process cannot be sustained. As far as people' s exposure to Hygood FM-200 is concerned, safety is not an issue. In fact, FM-200 is even used as a replacement for CFC propellants in pharmaceutical inhalers, which is why Hygood FM-200 systems are approved by UL and LPCB. When it comes to property, Hygood FM-200 is a trusted choice in clean agent fire protection, perfect where disruption has to be minimised and survivability of the business is critical. Hygood FM-200 is clean, leaving behind no oily particulates, water or corrosive materials. This virtually eliminates any risk of damage to delicate equipment caused by the extinguishant itself. Finally, the environment is not at risk: Hygood FM-200 has a zero effect on the earth' s stratospheric ozone layer and has a minimal impact on the environment in comparison to the impact of a catastrophic fire. It' s a fire protection solution that has already been applied in more than 1000, 000 situations worldwide in more than 70 countries.
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